At the end of the contract, forward/center Kenneth Faried leaves our team...
Thank you, Kenneth!

The American basketball player, who became famous for his performances in the NBA in the mid-2010s, the world champion in the US national team, signed a two-month agreement with CSKA in October amid an epidemic of injuries in the front line of the Army Men. Manimal arrived in Moscow after a pause in his career and a short period in the Puerto Rican championship, took part in 11 games, averaging 9.1 minutes on the floor, 2.3 points, 2.6 rebounds, 0.4 steals and 0.2 blocked shots.

In red-and-blue colors, Kenneth proved himself to be a real professional. He accepted the support role without objection, worked hard, focused entirely on adapting to the team's system and became one of the key elements that allowed the team to get through the difficult period. Kenneth proved himself to be a skillful, experienced, responsible player, and an excellent teammate. We are grateful to Manimal for his help, positive energy, and contribution to our success. We hope that at CSKA he was able to restart his career, to feel the taste of high-level basketball. We sincerely wish Kenneth health and good luck in the next stage of his life!

Dimitris Itoudis, CSKA head coach:

We thank Kenneth for his dedication, commitment, the energy he brought. It took a little time for him to make certain adjustments but he definitely became a part of our team. We wish him the best. It is always a privilege to get know and to work with such a character and player.

Kenneth Faried:

Thank you for having me, it was amazing - the organization, coaches and people of CSKA Moscow. I wish I could have stayed the whole season but it’s a business and I understand that! The team is healthy, it will continue to grow and get better, I’m sure, but who knows what the future may hold, I pray and wish the best for everyone! Spasibo! Go Red-Blue Army!


17 December 23:12
Спасибо, Фарид. Ты прекрасный игрок, это видно. Удачи тебе, искренне жаль, что ты пришёл к нам в не самое подходящее время.
17 December 17:46
Жалко. Но такова жизнь. Позитивный и веселый чувак. Удачи ему в поиске нового места! Лишь бы не в уникс или зенит!
17 December 17:03
Шенгелию не подсидеть ..
17 December 14:22
Ждём когда он против нас будет данчить как боженька, отвешивать горшки и рисовать постеры
17 December 11:58
Кошка бросила котят -
- то Итудис виноват!
17 December 11:45
То, что Фарида не смогли адаптировать - еще одно доказательство непрофессионализма г-на Итудиса.
Сравните с О.Дж Мэйо в "УНИКСЕ".
17 December 17:09
Причем здесь Димас?
У нас пол команды набрано "по случаю".
Иффе,  Григонис... Россияне -  так точно только для ЕЛ.  
Капитанище только, да Лёха  ко двору ..
Расчищать надо платежную ведомость ...
17 December 15:18
Ну давайте сравним. Мэйо подписывали на год, Фарида - на два месяца. Под Мэйо расчистили ростер на "двойке", Фарида взяли в набор из трех больших "до выздоровления Милутинова". Мэйо играет без карьерных пауз, Фарид до ЦСКА два года прохлаждался. Мэйо - 3-й номер драфта, Фарид - 22-й.
А насчет профессионализма тренера по адаптации игроков... Вам УНИКС и Перасович нравятся, да? ОК. Как там насчет Тиммы в Казани, не желаете нам поведать?
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