
Our team took a routine victory in Astana, but the game left an unpleasant aftertaste due to a couple of injuries...

It's hard to be happy

Astana – PBC CSKA: 55-99 (+44)

Astana: Motovilov (15 + 4 as + 10 to), Murzagaliev (5 + 3 rb + 3 to), Utomi (10 + 4 st + 3 to), Desyatnikov (4 + 9 rb + 3 bs), Aitkali (2) – start; Shcherbak (3), Isayenko (1), Maidekin (7 + 5 rb), Orazbekov (4 + 3 as), Abashidze (4 + 4 rb)…

CSKA: Trimble (16 + 4 rb + 5 as), Ukhov (10 + 7 rb + 3 as + 3 st), Astapkovich (3 + 6 rb + 6 as + 4 to + 5 pf), Jean-Charles (12 + 4 rb + 2 st), M'Baye (6 + 2 st) – start; Mikhailovskii (4 + 4 rb + 2 as + 2 bs), Avramovic (24 + 4 as + 2 st), Gankevich (5 + 7 rb + 3 as), Karpenko (3 as + 2 st), Antonov (7), Abdulbasirov (5), Umrikhin (7 + 2 as)…

Andreas Pistiolis, CSKA head coach:

Obviously there is nothing special to say about the game, the difference in the level of the teams was huge. I would only like to say that Astana is a historical part of the VTB League, I hope the club will manage to get support from private companies or other assistance, and the situation will change for the better for them. It was not difficult to play after the break, although we faced certain challenges. I think that we had a good rhythm for most of the game.


06 January 00:32
Скорейшего выздоровления нашим трамвированым
Сан Саныч
05 January 17:08
Победа на классе. Это удачное начало года, так как Парма помогла в нам в Краснодаре, а Уникс все-таки дожал Зенит. Надеемся, что с Антоном все будет хорошо. Печально, что в целом государстве нет даже одной конкурентоспособной команды...
05 January 15:37
Да травмы не радуют
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