The family of our club’s center Kyle Hines got an addition today. His spouse Gianna gave birth to a boy named Justin!
Congratulations on your newborn son, Kyle!
The family of our club’s center Kyle Hines got an addition today. His spouse Gianna gave birth to a boy named Justin!

The son’s height is 56 cm, weight is 4060 g. Kyle and Gianna also grow a daughter Anya (born in 2016). We wish all the family good health!


02 January 11:16
Поздравляю!!! Крепкого здоровья!!!
02 January 10:45
Ура, молодцы, с новорожденным! Здоровья маме и сыночку
02 January 08:40
Какие молодцы!!! Поздравляю!
02 January 02:44
Богатырь! С новорожденным папу с мамой!
02 January 01:03
Кайла и Джианну с рождением сына!!! Здоровья, любви и благополучия всему семейству!!! Замечательный новогодний подарок!)
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