The Vladimir Kondrashin and Alexander Belov Memorial Cup turned out to be not interesting in means of fight: all the games ended in rout. Alas, our team was among the victims, losing in the final game to the first serious rival in the preseason. Zenit was the best in all aspects, proving the status of one of the favorites of the upcoming season...
First test is not passed

Zenit St.Petersburg – CSKA: 100-73 (-27)

Zenit: Loyd (12 + 3 rb + 8 as), Poythress (22 + 4 rb + 2 st), Ponitka (7 + 4 rb), Mickey (15 + 5 rb), Napier (10 + 3 rb + 8 as + 2 st) – start; Zaharov (2 as), Karasev (5), Volkhin (2), Kulagin (4 as), Baron (13 + 2 as), Pushkov (0), Kuzminskas (3 + 3 rb + 3 as + 2 st), Frankamp (5), Gudaitis (6 + 5 rb)…

CSKA: Hackett (3 rb + 2 as), Shengelia (3 + 3 rb), Milutinov (10 + 6 rb), Kurbanov (2 + 3 rb), Shved (4 + 4 as) – start; Lundberg (12 + 2 as), Bolomboy (9 + 4 rb), Khomenko (2), Ukhov (2 + 2 as), Ivlev (5), Antonov (3 rb + 2 as), Clyburn (11 + 2 as), Lopatin (3), Grigonis (10 + 4 to)…

Dimitris Itoudis, CSKA head coach:

Congratulations to Zenit on a well-deserved victory in the tournament, today they dominated from the first to the last minute. We have just started to play serious games in this preseason and today we learned a lesson from which we will draw conclusions. You can, of course, talk about numbers, note the superiority of the opponent in assists, but today we attacked so badly that the assists were nowhere to come from. In any case, it’s not a matter of numbers, but of hustle. Zenit outhustled us today. And we need to take off from this.


06 September 13:20
да мне к концу первой четверти с первого ряда было ясно видно, что судейство в одну калитку, и раз уж Зенит возродил Кубок Кондрашина и Белова , то он его первый и возьмёт. Дальше удивления не было. Ничего страшного, предсезонка. Встали, отряхнулись и идём дальше! ЦВБП!
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